Service Module

Efficiently manage recurring orders with Minuba's service module

Are you dreaming of organizing recurring orders from the same customers? Creating them as service agreements can benefit your construction company. For example, you may offer your customers a service agreement for annual gutter cleaning, regular maintenance of their heat pumps, or monthly property inspections. Minuba's Service Agreement Module simplifies and optimizes your workflow when dealing with repetitive orders from your customers.

Create and manage multiple service agreements simultaneously

The service agreement function acts as a template for orders with fixed intervals, allowing you to create and manage multiple orders at once. Whether you need to create an order every week, month, or year for the same type of work, the Service Agreement Module ensures your company maintains an overview and facilitates simple and effective follow-up. Future orders can automatically be placed in the responsible colleague's calendar and service schedule, ensuring smooth operations and happy, satisfied customers.

Remind Customers of Service Appointments

Minuba's service agreements enable you to remind your customers when it's time for a service visit. You can send reminders via SMS and/or email, ensuring your customers stay on top of their service needs. The options available in Minuba's Service Agreement Module are extensive. Regardless of whether you have a fixed agreement with the customer or not, customers appreciate being reminded of upcoming service appointments.

Manage your service agreements effectively with Minuba

With Minuba's Service Module, you can:

- Organize your recurring orders systematically

- Create and manage multiple orders simultaneously

- Gain an overview and simplify follow-up processes

- Easily create order types specific to service agreements, allowing you to generate new schedules or service calls with just a few clicks

- Consolidate all relevant information in one place, making it easier to execute your work

- Quickly and effortlessly remind your customers of upcoming service visits via SMS or email