
Efficient installation servicing made easy in Minuba!

Does your company service multiple installations? And do you work with various types of installations, where having an overview and easy access to relevant information is essential? With Minuba's installation function, you can free up valuable time for your employees by gathering all relevant information about an installation in one place. We have made it simple for you to keep track of all the data related to each installation.

Have all relevant information in one place with Minuba's app

In Minuba, it's easy and straight forward to create an installation with all the necessary details required to carry out the work. Once an installation is created, you can conveniently access the latest updates, and view the associated work orders using Minuba's mobile app. With the app in your pocket, you'll always know the latest activities performed on an installation and which orders are linked to it. You'll have a comprehensive overview of both active and inactive installations. Moreover, the app allows you to add notes, descriptions, and installation details, enabling you to share relevant information with your field technicians.

Say Goodbye to time-consuming Excel Sheets and Documents

Minuba is available as both a mobile and web application, making it easier for you and your employees to create installations and service agreements, even while on the go. In the app, you can effortlessly view and edit installation details within an order or add an installation to an existing order. Additionally, you can have an overview of all installations and access relevant information that can benefit you and your technicians when on-site with customers. The app includes a search function that allows you to quickly find specific installations.

Make facility servicing effortless with Minuba's installation function

With installations in Minuba, you gain the following benefits:

- Quickly obtain an overview of the installations history

- Access all relevant installation information in one place

- Easily add photos, notes, and other documentation such as user manuals and product sheets

- Simplify the process of creating and adding service agreements to an installation

- Effortlessly schedule service calls for an installation

- Access all the information through a QR code shortcut